Sunday, July 5, 2009

Veronica Mars Movie Ticket

A fake movie ticket that I created to be used in campaigning for a Veronica Mars movie.

Neptune Rising Valentines

This wasn't so much a campaign as it was just something fun to make that forum members could give out to friends and family, and if they chose, send out to Veronica Mars cast and crew.

Four designs:


Members were encouraged to make the cards as "tacky" as possible keeping in tradition with the typical Valentines passed out in grade school. My example:

Neptune Rising 2009 Calendar

This was a huge project that I was very proud to be in charge of. Various members contributed by doing their own artwork. Unless otherwise stated, the images below were created by myself :)



**created by user amandalusian



**co-created and designed with amandalusian


**created by user tarzan




**Designed by amandalusian


**Created by user bumblebee




**Created by user Forever_Mars


Neptune Rising Christmas Card Campaign

These cards were sent to Veronica Mars cast and crew, as well as to the powers that be at the WB. They were created to be very simple for those sending them, just print, fold and send. I'm not including the entire files here, however, just the front cover.

Text inside: Wishing you and yours a safe and wonderful holiday season, and a very happy new year.

Text inside: Wishing you a happy holiday season and an amazing new year!

Text inside: Who wants you to have a wonderful holiday season? I do, I do!

***Background images from

Rock the Ratings logo remixes

Myspace default photos created for the spring and summer.

Rock the Ratings logo

Along the lines of Neptune Rising, Rock the Ratings aims to raise the ratings and aid the campaigns of many television shows. Here is the logo I designed for RTR.

Neptune Rising logo

This is a logo redesign for a group that I am very much involved in, graphically and otherwise, called "Neptune Rising". This group is full of wonderful people dedicated to the cause of bringing back the television show Veronica Mars in any way, shape or form. For more information, visit the links below!

Express Yourself Designs Logo and Business Cards

This is the logo design I made for my sister's interior designing, and the business card design that I created. Pretty snazzy, eh? ;)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

(Non-existent) Magazine Design

This was for an assignment to design a cover and spread for a made up magazine.

Entertainment Weekly Magazine Design

We were given an assignment to redesign an existing magazine cover, and a spread within the magazine. Unfortunately, the original files were lost, so these were created from a photograph taken of the printed pieces.

Graduate Bulletin Design Contest

One of my classes had a contest to design the next Graduate Bulletin at my school. The winner was well-deserving, but I am happy with the work I have done!

Front and Back:

Title Page:

CD Label:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Invitations: Wedding

Wedding invites designed to look good at a low cost! Printed in black and white on blue paper. Information changed for privacy.



Invitations: Movie Night

I created these invitations for a horror movie night my friends and I were planning. We printed large copies to hang around the house like old time horror movie posters!

Invitations: Graduation

I created these invitations for a 3-way graduation party for myself, my niece, and my nephew. The fold was off-center to reveal the "Class of 2008" on the inside and the outside. (Graduation colors: Red/White, Blue/White, Blue/Gold). The information inside was changed for privacy!



Monday, June 29, 2009

Big 3 Ad Campaign

We had a group assignment to create an ad campaign for the Big 3, in order to try to get everybody to buy from the American companies. All the facts in these ads are true, nothing was made up.

I created the ad which focused on GM:

My partners and friends created the ads for Ford and Chrysler:

Packaging Design: Post-Its

While designing new packaging for a product (I chose Post-Its), I also came up with a new slogan. "Live. Laugh. Love. Inspire" and each package would reflect one of the four.